Participate in Research
Would you like to be part of a research study? See below for studies currently recruiting subjects!
- NEW Neuroimaging Study of Fear Learning
NEW Mobility Study - Navigation and Memory Using Virtual Reality Study
- Brainwave and Science Tutoring Study
- Precision Episodic Memory Study
- Healthy Minds for Life Study
- Learning of Scientific Knowledge Study
- Recruiting Healthy Participants as Control for Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) Study
- C.A.R.E. Study
- Couples Research Study
- Hippocampal Plasticity Study
- Child Cognition Studies
- Tweety Language Development Lab
- CLOSED Aging Well Study
- CLOSED Cooperation with Artificial Intelligence During Navigation Study
- CLOSED COZI Insomnia Study
- CLOSED Decision Making and Aging Study
- CLOSED Divorce Therapy Study
- CLOSED Human Decision Making Study
- CLOSED Insomnia Treatment Study
- CLOSED Intersection of Space and Time in Navigation and Memory: an Immersive Virtual Reality Experience
- CLOSED Memory and Spatial Navigation Study
- CLOSED Memory Precision Study
- CLOSED Memory Training Study
- CLOSED Middle Age Insomnia Treatment Study
- CLOSED Navigation and Memory Study
- CLOSED Navigation in Virtual Reality and Human Memory
- CLOSED Navigation, Memory, and Stress Study
- CLOSED Pain and Memory Study
- CLOSED Pain and Working Memory Study
- CLOSED Patients with Advanced Cancer Study
- CLOSED Spatial Memory in Virtual Reality Study
- CLOSED Spatial Memory Study Using Virtual Reality and MRI
- CLOSED Spatial Navigation and Memory Using fMRI Study
- CLOSED Spatial Navigation Using Immersive Virtual Reality Study
- CLOSED Spatial Navigation Using VR Study
- CLOSED Study for Dementia Caregivers
- CLOSED Study of Brain and Language
- CLOSED Study on Cognition and Emotions using Naturalistic Assessment
- CLOSED Study on Daily Social Support and Wellbeing During Bereavement
- CLOSED Study on the Aging Brain and Memory
- CLOSED Study of Personality and University Life
- CLOSED Study of Test-Taking and Emotions
- CLOSED Training Your Cognitive Abilities Study
- CLOSED Transcranial Ultrasound Study
- CLOSED Virtual Reality Navigation Study
Updated: 03/05/25
The following studies are hosted outside of the Psychology Department. Please take note of any contact information provided within these resources for any inquiries you may have.
- NEW Experiences of Female Teachers of Color Study
- Remote Light Exposure Study
- 2B Alert Study
- Resource Allocation Study
- Artificially Intelligent Computer Agent Study
Updated: 10/22/24
For undergraduate students participating in research experiments for course credit in PSY 101/150A-1:
- Visit arizona-psych.sona-systems.com to sign up.
- FAQs and Instructions
For questions, please contact: UApsyexperiment@email.arizona.edu
For participation in independent study or directed research for course credit, visit this page.
Updated 01/17/23