Student Opportunities

Awards & Scholarships
Visit the scholarship page to learn about available Psychology Scholarships plus information on Scholarship Universe, the University's scholarship-matching tool to get connected to internal and external scholarships.

Peer Mentors
As a Psychology Peer Mentor, you will have the opportunity to mentor first-semester Psychology Majors, co-facilitate a 1-hour weekly class, learn basic counseling skills, and earn course credit! Applications due April 14, 2025.

Clubs & Organizations
There are over 600 clubs and organizations available for students on campus! Psi Chi is the only official Psychology Club. Many Psychology Students also get involved with clubs like Active Minds and Women in Medicine & Science.

LifeSTEP Internship
The psychology clinic has established a community service agency that provides undergraduate life skills training (and mentors) to school-aged youth with emotional and/or behavioral problems. Each semester we accept applications for our LifeSTEP (Life Skills Training and Enhancement Program), a 3-credit internship that provides undergraduates with life skills training (and mentoring) to school-aged youth. Learn more about LifeSTEP.

Each month of the academic year, your Advising team sends out an undergraduate newsletter with important dates and deadlines, reminders, internship and research opportunities, upcoming events, and more! Access current and past undergraduate newsletters.

Study Abroad
Study Abroad to see the world and enhance your education through once-in-a-lifetime global experiences!

Campus Events
What's going on around campus? Don't miss these events!
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