Teaching Experiences

Preceptors are highly motivated students who serve as a mentor and instructional support for Psychology courses. Students can participate as a preceptor for classes they have previously taken and been successful in. They serve a unique role because they provide support both in and out of the classroom. Undergraduate preceptors are an integral part of the teaching team and have a significant role in helping foster a classroom community.
"Working with preceptors allows me to connect with students in a meaningful way. For students hoping to go to graduate school, it's a great way to meet and work with an instructor so they have things they can talk about in grad school letters of recommendation"
-Professor Ashley Jordan
If you have taken a Psychology course that you would like to preceptor for, reach out to the instructor who teaches the course. Often, when instructors are recruiting preceptors, they will reach out to students directly. For faculty contact information, visit our Psychology Faculty page.
Working with the faculty member teaching the course, fill out an Independent Study form.
- Select PSY 391 or PSY 491 as the course number. Students who are Juniors should select PSY 391 and Seniors should select PSY 491
- Completed forms should be emailed to Psychology-Advising@email.arizona.edu, or brought in person to Psychology room 312.
- You will be enrolled in your preceptorship units within 3-5 business days.