PSY 397A Career Prep
Let's Prep for Work!
This upper-division course is designed to help you advance and explore various values, skills, and interests pertaining to various careers within and related to Psychology. Below are the highlights of the learning outcomes, exercises and course deliverables you will complete the course with.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Describe the variety of possible career paths in the field of psychology and related professions and the training needed to pursue such professions.
- Explore your interests in psychology and related fields to identify (or confirm) a desired career goal.
- Identify personal achievements that will help you secure employment and define a series of concrete steps required to achieve your selected career goals.
- Explain issues that professionals in your intended career encounter regularly.
- Demonstrate effective oral and written communication in relation to your desired career goal (e.g., resume or CV writing, interviewing skills).
Course Exercises and Deliverables:
- Research, compare, and contrast two possible career paths.
- Identify a post-bachelor's career opportunity.
- Final Draft Cover Letter geared toward an actual job or internship.
- Final Draft Resume geared toward an actual job or internship.
- Interview exchange with a current professional in your chosen field.
- Final Draft Portfolio.
- Firm grasp of necessary next steps to achieve your career goals.