
student smiling with laptop

Resume or Curriculum Vitae

Resume vs. Curriculum Vitae (C.V.)

Resumes are typically limited to one page and used when applying for a job. They give a highlighted summary of your qualifications with the goal of outlining how you are a good match for the position you are applying for. If you are looking to create a resume, The Office of Student Engagement & Career Development has created Early Career, Some College and Industry Specific Resume Templates to help with this. You can download the document and tailor it to your needs.

Curriculum Vitae's (C.V.'s) are more commonly used when applying to academic, research positions, or graduate and professional programs. They are usually longer in length and can include some or all of the following headers (order can vary):

  • Educational Background
  • Teaching Experience
  • Research Experience
  • Publications
  • Awards
  • Conference Presentations
  • Honors
  • Grants & Fellowships
  • Professional Memberships
  • References

Sample C.V.

Advice from the American Psychological Association

Build a better C.V.

Curriculum Vitae Do's & Don'ts