PSY 396C Grad Prep
Let's Prep for Grad School!
This upper division course is designed to assist you in learning all of the steps to apply to graduate school and professional programs. You will learn about the various career paths and the graduate and professional programs needed to obtain those careers. Below are the highlights of the learning outcomes, exercises, and course deliverables you will complete the course with.
Course Learning Outcomes:
- Learn about the different fields of post-undergraduate study within and related to Psychology.
- Understand the steps for general graduate school application and program specific admission procedures, requirements and steps.
- Describe the 3 sections of the Graduate Record Exam (GRE) in addition to ways to prepare for the exam.
- Demonstrate understanding of Personal Statement format, content, structure, grammar and flow.
- Demonstrate understanding of Resume/CV format, structure and style for graduate school.
- Understand degree-specific funding options and the necessary resources to apply for additional funds.
- Learn the different types of graduate school interview processes and gain tips and how to prepare for them.
- You will complete the course with a firm grasp of their chosen graduate school field and the requirements to get in.
Course Exercises & Deliverables:
- In-depth research exercise evaluating ones own preparation, goals & interests to a specific graduate program to see if they align.
- Preliminary list of top-5 graduate programs you are interested in applying to.
- Draft introductory paragraph or full personal statement draft.
- Draft resume/C.V.
- Identification of 3 possible candidates to write letters of recommendation.
- In-depth research of their top five graduate programs within chosen field.
- Faculty member interview in area of interest.
- Graduate student interview in area of interest.
- Practitioner member interview in area of interest.
*Offered Fall, Spring, and Summer Pre-Session.