Evaluation Group for the Analysis of Data (EGAD)
Program Evaluation and Research Methodology (PERM) Minor
The Graduate Minor in Program Evaluation and Research Methodology (PERM) is open to Psychology majors as well as qualifying non-Psychology majors, and can be comprised of courses broadly covering a variety of related areas, including:
The logic of inquiry and issues of philosophy of science as they apply to psychosocial research; (b) Problems encountered by researchers in personality, family studies, social and clinical psychology, and creative approaches to their data analysis and methodological design resolutions; (c) Research problems and methods particularly relevant to field research; (d) The logic of inquiry and approaches to data analysis appropriate to field trials and quasi-experimental research; (e) The problems of measurement, research design, data analysis, causal inference, and representation of results needing to be resolved in formulating research problems, in determining the legitimacy of conclusions, and in the usefulness of recommendations based on them; and (f) The practical application of theoretical learning within group settings and involving the exchange of ideas and practical methods, skills, and principles. As PERM requires a certain degree of expertise in quantitative methods of data analysis, additional courses have included quantitative courses offered by the departments of Psychology, Educational Psychology, and Family Studies.
Contact Info
Mende Davis
Email: mfd@arizona.edu
Tel: (520) 626-7820
Mailing Address:
Department of Psychology
1503 E University Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85721-0068