Evaluation Group for the Analysis of Data (EGAD)

The Evaluation Group for the Analysis of Data (EGAD) was formed in 1987 for the purpose of furthering research, education, and training in the general areas of program evaluation, research methodology and data analysis. EGAD members function as scientists, consultants, advisors and mentors both within and outside the University of Arizona Community. 

Our mission is to assist researchers, providers of social services, policy makers and others involved in endeavors related to social programs to plan and develop programs, monitor these programs, and assess their outcomes, cost and impact in rigorous, innovative and methodologically sound ways. To this end, we have worked with students, faculty, businesses, local and federal agencies, local, state and federal organizations, tribes, and nations. 


  • Mende Davis
  • AJ Figueredo
  • "Bea" Beatrice Krauss
  • Mei-kuang Chen
  • Kevin Driesen
  • Sonia Peterson
  • Matthias Mehl
  • Ron Wright

  • Annalysa Lovos
  • Rachael Zambrano
  • Kurt Deinhardt

Activities & Resources

Weekly meetings 
The Evaluation Group for the Analysis of Data (EGAD) meets every Thursday afternoon in the Psychology Department for evaluation consultations, to discuss articles, and research presentations. Weekly meetings are held during the academic year on Thursdays at 3:30 in Psychology Room 321 and online at, Password: 939394. Audio for the Zoom meetings is at 16027530140, 96018427642# US (Phoenix) or 16699006833, 96018427642# US (San Jose); the meeting number is 96018427642. International numbers are available at  
To subscribe to the EGAD listserv go to

Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences (JMM)
The Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences (JMM) is an online scholarly publication focusing on methodology and research design, measurement, and data analysis – providing a new venue for unique and interesting contributions in these study areas which frequently overlap. The Journal of Methods and Measurement in the Social Sciences (JMM) publishes articles related to methodology and research design, measurement, and data analysis. The journal is published twice yearly, and features theoretical, empirical, and educational articles. JMM is meant to further our understanding of methodology and how to formulate the right questions.  It is broadly concerned with improving the methods used to conduct research, the measurement of variables used in the social sciences, and improving the applications of data analysis.  In addition to research articles, JMM welcomes instructional articles and brief reports or commentaries. We welcome sound, original contributions.

“If it’s important to you, it’s significant to us.”  -Lee Sechrest

Contact Info

Mende Davis
Tel: (520) 626-7820
Mailing Address:
Department of Psychology
1503 E University Blvd
Tucson, AZ 85721-0068