Payroll - Training/Tutorial, Tax Documents/Withholdings, Mailing/Direct Deposit, Timesheet Reporting and Vacation/Leave of Absences, and more

Payroll Resources

EDGE Learning features a tutorial created by Financial Services to help employees with payroll topics including:

  • Direct deposit
  • Tax deductions
  • Accessing state and federal tax forms
  • And more

You can complete the video training for Exploring your Payroll and Compensation Tools using your NetID login information.

We also offer additional information on the following topics in print format in the menu below:

Mailing of Paychecks, Tax Documents, Etc:

Please ensure your mailing address and other contact information are up-to-date in your UAccess account to ensure you receive all financial documents during, and even after, your employment with us.

You can change/update your home and mailing address(es) in UAccess following this process:

  • Log into UAccess with your NetID and select Employee/Manager Self Service from the menu.
  • From the UA Employee Main Homepage (should show as a drop-down menu title), select the Personal Information tile (pictured):
UAccess - Personal Info - Icon
  • Select Home and Mailing Address (pictured):
UAccess - Personal Info - Address
  • Select which address (Home or Mailing), or both (Home and Mailing), that you need to change.
  • Update the address information and Save.

Updated 02/06/23


How To Set Up Direct Deposit:

We strongly encourage employees to sign up for direct deposit if applicable. This is the most secure way to receive your paycheck.

You can set up Direct Deposit in UAccess following this process:

  • Log into UAccess with your NetID and select Employee/Manager Self Service from the menu.
  • From the UA Employee Main Homepage (should show as a drop-down menu title) - select the Payroll & Compensation Tile on the page (pictured)
UAccess - Payroll icon
  • From the menu, select Direct Deposit (pictured).
Icon - UAccess - Direct Deposit
  • Under "Accounts", click the plus sign button (+) to add an account, then enter your account information (bank routing and account numbers are needed).
  • Click Save.
  • *We recommend signing out and logging back in to check if the account information saved correctly.

You will receive an email when the account has been setup and you have saved the changes.

NOTE: Paychecks for those not enrolled in direct deposit will be sent to the home address that is on file in UAccess Employee.

Additional resources are available from Financial Services regarding Adding or Changing Direct Deposit.

Updated: 01/13/25



Selecting and Updating Tax Withholdings

NOTE: We strongly encourage completing your Form W-4 withholding allowance (federal tax) and Arizona Form A-4 withholding percentage (state tax) in UAccess before your first paycheck. You may want to refigure your withholding each year if your tax situation changes.

Federal Taxes:

You will need to complete Form W-4 to figure the correct amount of federal income tax to have withheld from your paycheck. Resources for this form can be found on the payroll website:

You can make changes to your federal tax withholdings following this process:

  1. Log into UAccess Employee/Manager Self Service.
  2. From your UA Employee Main Homepage, select the Payroll & Compensation tile (pictured below, at left).
  3. On the left-hand side, select W-4 Tax Forms>W-4 Tax Information (pictured below, at right).
  4. Make the necessary changes and submit.


State Taxes:

NOTE: New employees should complete AZ Form A-4 within the first five days of employment. If you do not submit a form, your withholding rate will automatically be set at 2.7%.

You can make changes to your state tax withholding following this process:

  1. Log into UAccess Employee/Manager Self Service.
  2. From your UA Employee Main Homepage, select the Payroll & Compensation tile (pictured below, at left).
  3. On the left-hand side, select State Forms>A-4 Tax Information (pictured below, at right).
  4. Make the necessary changes and submit.

ATTENTION: The deadline to make federal or state tax changes is Monday at 5:00pm of the pay week. The new withholding will become effective on the next scheduled pay date.



Payroll and Compensation Tools Training:

The Payroll Office division of Financial Services is excited to offer a new training for University Employees, Exploring your Payroll and Compensation Tools.  

This 15-minute, one-time training is recommended, but not required. The training will guide employees through the Payroll and Compensation resources found on the UAccess Employee/Manager Self Service dashboard, including how to: 

  • Enroll in direct deposit
  • View their paycheck 
  • Receive their Form W-2 
  • Enter and adjust federal and state tax forms  

For questions, please contact the Payroll Office at or 520-621-9097.


Updated: 06/03/22

Requesting Leave and Timesheet Coding:

Types of Leave (and Timesheet Code):

  • Vacation Time Pay (VTP)
  • Sick Time Pay (STP)
  • Bereavement Pay (BRP)
  • Jury Duty (JRP) - *NOTE: Please consult our Accounting Department with questions regarding receiving checks from the Court compared to University pay, etc details.*
  • Etc.

To Request Leave:

Email your immediate supervisor with the dates you are requesting and wait for their approval.

If approved, you will need to report your leave time on your timesheet accordingly.

Updated: 05/02/22

Accessing and Completing Your Timesheet:


All paid University of Arizona employees are either positive or exception Time Reporters.

  • Positive Time Reporters are required to report the number of hours worked.
  • Exception Time Reporters are not required to report hours worked – you will be paid a set salary listed in your contract
    • Teaching and Research Assistants are Exception Time Reporters.

To Access Your Timesheet: 

  • Log into UAccess  & select Employee/Manager Self Service.
  • From the UA Employee Main Homepage (should show as a drop-down menu title at the top-left of the screen) - select the Time Tile on the page (pictured below)
UAccess - Time icon
  • *Select a Job (if you have more than one) from the drop-down menu at the top of the screen > click the Enter Time Tile 
    •  *NOTE: If you have more than one position, you will report time separately for each position’s timesheet.* Separate links will appear for each position. Please make sure you select the corresponding title for each position to ensure you are reporting the correct time for each position.
  • Select the appropriate Time Reporting Code from the drop-down menu on the new page (pictured below).
UAccess - Time codes
  • *NOTE: Each type of Reporting Code needs to be entered on a row of its own.* If you need to use more than one type of Code, additional rows can be added to the Timesheet using the Plus Sign button for the additional codes and times being entered.
  • Report the number of hours you worked (rounded to the nearest quarter) for each day listed.  NEVER REPORT/ENTER A ZERO - simply leave field blank if no work was done that day.
  • Pay periods occur every 2 weeks. The time sheet will display 1 full week at a time. Be sure to scroll through both weeks and enter time accordingly.
  • Click Submit when you are ready to submit your hours to your supervisor/time approver. REMINDERIf you do not submit your time and have it approved by your supervisor by the deadline - you will not get paid.
  • If you missed a pay period or made a mistake in reporting, you will be able to go back into your timesheet for up to 2 pay periods to report or make changes. Your Supervisor/Time Approver will need to approve any changes. Changes will be reflected in the next scheduled paycheck.


  • All hours must be approved by supervisors by Friday 10:00 AM of a non-pay week to ensure payment in a timely manner. If by 5:00 PM Friday you do not see your hours approved, it is advised you check with your supervisor/time approver to avoid any missed payments.
  • A document calendar can be found at this website and is updated every fiscal year. It will outline pay period start dates, pay days, and more. 


Additional Notes:

  • In the case that you will be receiving additional income through the form of Supplemental Compensation, you will be required to report hours worked. To access your Supplemental Compensation timesheet, please follow the instructions on the Supplemental Compensation Wiki page.
  • If you missed a pay period or made a mistake in reporting: you will be able to go back into your timesheet to report or make changes. Any changes will be reflected in the next scheduled pay check.
  • Additional resources are available from Financial Services regarding Accessing and Reporting Time.

Updated: 01/13/25


Viewing Employee Timesheets for Approval as a Supervisor:

Supervisors are responsible for monitoring their employee’s work hours and ensuring that each employee accurately records those hours on their timesheet. As a supervisor you will need to review every employee you are a time approver for; even if the employee is an exception time reporter and may not have hours to approve.

Employees may request leave time (vacation, sick, bereavement, jury duty, etc.), with your approval. You will need review that the employee accurately recorded that leave time on their timesheet and approve in accordance with payroll deadlines. (If they failed to record their leave time, you may enter and approve). Any leave time not recorded at the time taken, could result in additional payments to the employee upon their departure.

DEADLINE TO APPROVE EMPLOYEE HOURS: Friday by 10:00am of each non-pay week.


Steps for Viewing Employee Timesheets:

  1. Log into UAccess Employee/Manager Self Service (image below).

    UAccess - Home Page
  2. From the UA Manager Self Service page, select the Team Time tile (image below).

    UAccess - Team Time icon
  3. Select Manager Search Options on the left-hand side to format your personal default criteria and options.
    *NOTE: We suggest adding your position number as the time approver. This will automatically filter all employees you are listed as a time approver for (image below).* 

    UAccess - Team Time - Manager Search
  4. After making any changes, scroll to the bottom of the page and click to Save those changes.
  5. On the left-hand side, select Timesheet, then Enter Time, and click Get Employees. This will populate a list of every employee you should be reviewing and approving time for.

Updated: 04/25/22


How to Submit Supplemental Compensation on Your Timesheet:

For instructions, please visit our Supplemental Compensation Wiki page HERE.


Contact the Business Office,

 Updated 02/06/23

