Overview & Training Model

Ph.D. Cognition & Neural Systems

In the first year of study, graduate students in Psychology typically take a two-semester course in quantitative methods and statistics, and a one-semester proseminar focusing on the history of psychology.

Students in the CNS Program also complete a rigorous program of advanced courses and seminars in core topics to give them a thorough grounding in the central issues in the field. In addition to mandatory foundational courses in cognition, and neural systems, students take at least four other seminars chosen from a list of seminars taught by CNS faculty.

Students also pursue coursework in their chosen minor area of study. The minor area may be selected from other programs within Psychology (Clinical and Social Psychology), or from other tracks within Psychology (Health Psychology) or from other departments or programs within the University (e.g., Cognitive Science).

Support - Students maintaining good academic standing are supported during their graduate training by a combination of teaching and research assistantships, special fellowships, and tuition and fee waivers.

See the Department's Graduate Program Handbook for specific requirements.