PsyWellness Initiative - Listserv, Events/Activities, HIP


With the support of our Department Head, we are kickstarting a department-wide wellness initiative (physicality, mindfulness, nutrition, etc.). Our goal is to promote current university offerings and resources, as well as create new opportunities within the department.

Mission: ​Advocate for Psychology wellness needs with UA Life & Work Connections, help share wellness services of interest to our employees, and invite co-workers to participate in wellness activities. We want to inspire all faculty, grads, and staff to become involved in wellness activities happening on campus and within the department.

Join the PsyWellness Listserv

We will highlight current UA offerings, activities and events in the weekly digest. However, if you'd like to receive more frequent wellness-based communication including reminders, tips, etc. - please join our "PsyWellness" listserv. To join: 

  • Send a blank message from your email account to LIST@LIST.ARIZONA.EDU
  • In the subject line, please enter: subscribe PSYWELLNESS YourFirstName YourLastName
  • (Example: subscribe PSYWELLNESS Wilma Wildcat)

Wellness Ambassador of Psychology Department:

Melissa Pili and Michaela Midgley will serve as Psychology's Wellness Ambassador, attending monthly meetings with Life & Work Connections. They will also serve as a liaisons for the department. 

Updated 12/20/22

Psych Department Coffee Hours:

Join us for Coffee Hour! We encourage you to come meet and socialize with your fellow faculty, staff, and students.

Coffee, tea, and pastries will be served. 

Coffee Hours will take place each Monday and Thursday from 9a-11a in the Front Office.

Yoga Sessions

PsyWellness Yoga Thursdays 4p-5p in Front Office

Join us every Thursday for FREE yoga sessions in the Psychology front office (room 312). One of our own Psychology members, Francis Morales, will be your instructor. ALL LEVELS of experience are present, so come explore and grow with us! 

*We encourage you to dress for easy movement, bring your own mat, blocks (optional), water bottles, and whatever else will bring you comfort. Session format varies each week, so there will always be something new! We can't wait to see you!

Updated: 03/24/23

From Life & Work Connections: Health Impact Program (HIP)

Life & Work Connections partners with the Arizona Department of Administration to bring the Health Impact Program to benefits-eligible employees. HIP offers you an opportunity to earn an incentive payout (up to $200!) for participating in wellness activities. More information about the overall HIP program can be found HERE.

We also now have a Group within the HIP platform! JOIN US as a Member of PsyWellness!

  • Access your Home page via the Virgin Pulse app, or visit the site to login.
  • Select the Social icon.
  • On the new page, select the Groups icon.
  • On the new page, select the icon for Browse Groups. Here you can search for PsyWellness.
  • Select the PsyWellness group, and on our page, click the Join Us! button. 

Once you are a Member of the group, you will have access to a Messages section where we will post updates, you can chat with other Members, and more!

Updated: 03/24/23

Updated: 05/03/23 


Health and Wellness