With the support of our Department Head, we are kickstarting a department-wide wellness initiative (physicality, mindfulness, nutrition, etc.). Our goal is to promote current university offerings and resources, as well as create new opportunities within the department.
Mission: Advocate for Psychology wellness needs with UA Life & Work Connections, help share wellness services of interest to our employees, and invite co-workers to participate in wellness activities. We want to inspire all faculty, grads, and staff to become involved in wellness activities happening on campus and within the department.
Join the PsyWellness Listserv
We will highlight current UA offerings, activities and events in the weekly digest. However, if you'd like to receive more frequent wellness-based communication including reminders, tips, etc. - please join our "PsyWellness" listserv. To join:
- Send a blank message from your email account to LIST@LIST.ARIZONA.EDU
- In the subject line, please enter: subscribe PSYWELLNESS YourFirstName YourLastName
- (Example: subscribe PSYWELLNESS Wilma Wildcat)
Updated: 05/03/23