Eric Andrews

I am a Scientific Analyst in the Neuroscience of Emotion & Thought (NET) Lab. Prior to starting the program at U of A, I worked as a research assistant at both Dartmouth college and the University of Denver. With those labs, I worked on projects that involved reappraisal aspects of emotion regulation, interoception, the appeal of affective imagery, and the use of machine-learning methods to predict behavioral and neural reaction from sparse sets of response data.
I was a graduate of the University of NH where I received my B.A. in Psychology and my M.A. in Counseling. I have been working as a psychotherapist in private practice since 2008 and maintain a small client base helping individuals with anxiety and trauma-related disorders.
Research Interests:
- The use of experimental and computational approaches to inform, develop, and
evaluate flexible and accessible online mental health tools (including mobile
applications) for both individuals and treatment providers. The goal being
increased efficacy of psychological intervention and treatment by addressing
individual differences in disorder, individual potentials for well-being, and early
diagnosis. - The use of psychophysiological and neuroimaging techniques to deepen our
understanding of the neural underpinnings of affective/cognitive interactions and
how these relationships might constrain psychological treatment outcomes.
Selected Publications:
- Developer: Mind Window app for iOS and Android
- Raffaelli, Q., Andrews, E. S., Cegavske, C. C., Abraham, F. F., Edgin, J. O., &
Andrews-Hanna, J. R. (under revision). What's in a dream? Dream
phenomenology associates with task-unrelated thought and predicts variation in
rumination and creativity. PNAS. - Stoica T, Grilli M. D., Andrews E., Deffner A, Griffith C. X., Andrews-Hanna J. R.
(preprint) Speaking Well and Feeling Good: Older Adults Exhibit Increased
Emotional Linguistic Precision During Resting State Cognition. PsyArXiv. https:// - Abraham, D., Andrews E. S., Chelsey, X. P., McRae, K. (under review). Database
of picture-based cognitive reappraisal experiments: Power simulations and
analysis of trial-level factors. Psychological Methods. - Jolly, E., Farrens, M., Greenstein, N., Eisenbarth, H., Reddan, M.C., Andrews, E.,
Wager, T.D. & Chang, L.J. (2022). Recovering individual emotional states from
sparse ratings using collaborative filtering. Affective Science, 3, 799–817. https:// - Raffaelli, Q., Mills, C., de Stefano, N. A., Mehl, M. R., Chambers, K., Fitzgerald,
S. A., Wilcox, R., Christoff, K., Andrews, E. S., Grilli, M. D., O’Connor, M. F., &
Andrews-Hanna, J. R. (2021). The think aloud paradigm reveals differences in
the content, dynamics and conceptual scope of resting state thought in trait
brooding. Scientific Reports, 11 (19362).
Dissertation Title:
- Identifying and Characterizing Thought States with Naturalistic and High-Sample Longitudinal Data
Courses Taught:
- PSY 101 - Introduction to Psychology (2022)
- PSY 150A1 - Structure of Mind & Behavior (2021)
- PSY 340 - Cognitive Development (2023)
- PSY 352 - Personality (2020)
- PSY 381 - Abnormal Psychology (2024)
*Year listed indicates when this individual last taught the specified course.
Awards and Recognitions:
- College of Science Outstanding Teaching Award (2024)
Updated: 01/09/25
- B.A. Psychology, University of NH
- M.A. Counseling, University of NH
- Ph.D. Psychology, University of Arizona (2024) - Cognition & Neural Systems program