UArizona Policies and Resources
University of Arizona Policies on Institutional Equity
- Nondiscrimination and Anti-Harassment Policy
- Preventing Discrimination and Harassment Training - Online training required for all University of Arizona employees
- UA Ethics and Conduct Policy
- Religious Accommodation Policy
- Workplace Access Accommodation through Disability Resource Center
Other University of Arizona Resources
- Inclusive Excellence - Programs for Inclusive Excellence is a focal point for campus diversity and inclusion efforts, developing high-quality, high impact strategies to advance diversity and inclusion at the University of Arizona.
- University Handbook for Appointed Personnel (UHAP) - The University Handbook for Appointed Personnel implements Arizona Board of Regents policy and promulgates rules and information pertaining to appointed personnel of The University of Arizona.
- Classified Staff Human Resources Policy Manual - The Classified Staff Human Resources Policy Manual summarizes policies and administrative procedures for Classified Staff employees of the University of Arizona.
- UA Ombuds Program - The UA Ombuds Program is a confidential, informal, impartial, and independent resource for effective communication, collaboration, and conflict management serving all levels of UA employees and students, as well as community members who have a university-related concern.
- Life & Work Connections (Employee Assistance/Work-Life Integration) - UA Life & Work Connections (LWC) provides lifecycle services to complement the work cycles of UA employees by providing support for the “whole person.” Whether you are looking for newborn childcare or strategies to parent your middle schoolers, striving to maintain or improve your physical or emotional health, caring for an aging parent, or trying to create a better balance between your work and personal life. Select childcare services are also available for students. The LWC professionals are ready to work with you to achieve your optimal well-being.
- Human Resources Employee Advising - Employee and Career Advising can support you as you make informed and strategic, work-related decisions.
- Leadership and Organizational Development - Professional development opportunities allow you to take control of your goals and contribute in a meaningful way
- Human Resources Workplace Climate Page - Workplace climate is an important component in maintaining our strong sense of community.
- Office of Institutional Equity - Resources and training for discrimination prevention and response.
- Postdoctoral Affairs - UA Postdoctoral Affairs works to advance postdoctoral scholars by providing career and professional development resources, fostering an inclusive academic community, and promoting excellence in research, discovery and innovation across campus, and to support faculty in their role as postdoctoral mentors.
- Dean of Students - The Dean of Students office engages students in opportunities for campus involvement and supports student learning and success. The web site includes policies, forms, and other links to information and assistance.
Graduate College
- Policies and information for graduate students pertaining to academics
- Policies and information for graduate students pertaining to grievances
- Summary of grievance types, additional information, and points of contact for graduate students with grievances
Appointed Professionals Advisory Council (APAC)
APAC provides advocacy, information and resources for all UA appointed professionals.
Classified Staff Council
The University of Arizona Classified Staff Council (CSC) exists to serve as an advocate and resource to all classified staff.
Faculty Senate
The faculty senate focuses on a broad spectrum of policy issues, including academic personnel, instruction and curriculum, research, and student affairs. The senate also serves as a forum for communication between the faculty and the university administration.
College of Science Staff Advisory Council (CoSSAC)
The College of Science Staff Advisory Council provides advocacy, information and resources for College of Science classified staff and appointed personnel, and serves as a liaison and advisor to the College of Science Dean on staff issues.
Postdoctoral Affairs
Postdoctoral Affairs advances postdoctoral scholars by providing career and professional development resources, fostering an inclusive academic community, and promoting excellence in research discovery and innovation across campus, and also supports faculty in their role as postdoctoral mentors. To join the postdoctoral listserv, send an email to with the subject line “subscribe FirstName LastName”
Updated: 10/12/22