Lynn Nadel

Regents Professor Emeritus

Research Interests: 

Please note, Dr. Nadel is an Emeritus Professor and not running a research lab

  • Functions of the hippocampus in memory and spatial cognition.
    • Including the study of stress and memory, sleep and memory, memory reconsolidation, and the mental retardation observed in Down syndrome.
  • Studying episodic memory reactivation and malleability

Selected Publications: 

  • O’Keefe, J. and Nadel, L.   The hippocampus as a cognitive map.  Oxford: The Clarendon Press, 1978.
  • Nadel, L. and Moscovitch, M.  Consolidation, retrograde amnesia and the hippocampal formation.  Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 7: 217-227, 1997.
  • Pennington, B.F., Moon, J., Edgin, J., Stedron, J. and Nadel, L.   The neuropsychology of Down syndrome: Evidence for hippocampal dysfunction. Child Development, 74: 75-93, 2003.
  • Nadel, L. & Peterson, M.A.  The Hippocampus: Part of an Interactive Posterior Representational System Spanning Perception and Memory  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, 142, 1242-1254, 2013.
  • Lane, R.D., Ryan, L., Nadel, L. and Greenberg, L.   Memory Reconsolidation, Emotional Arousal and the Process of Change in Psychotherapy: New Insights from Brain Science (Behavioral and Brain Sciences, DOI:

Courses Taught:

  • PSY 500A - Current Issues in Psychological Theory & Research (2021)
  • PSY 506B - Foundations of Cognitive Psychology (2016)

*Year listed indicates when this individual last taught the specified course.

Updated: 11/15/22