Kelly Kim

Psychology 107
I am a doctoral candidate in the Clinical Psychology program, under the mentorship of Dr. Daniel J. Taylor. I also minor in Clinical Health Psychology. My research often focuses on investigating temporal relationships between sleep and mental health, using advanced quantitative methods and special populations. I have clinical interests in suicidality, management of chronic and terminal illnesses, pain, and sleep. Within the department, I serve on the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Committee and lead the Suicide Assessment Team. Prior to the University of Arizona, I was in Pittsburgh, PA, where I received my B.S. at Carnegie Mellon University in Psychology and Creative Writing and worked under the mentorship of Dr. Kathryn A. Roecklein at the University of Pittsburgh.
Research Interests:
- Intensive longitudinal designs and advanced quantitative methods (e.g., multilevel modeling)
- Sleep and circadian disturbances as transdiagnostic mechanisms in mental health disorders
- Daily relationships between sleep and depression in special populations (e.g., emerging adults, athletes, shift workers) and influence of contextual factors
- Adherence to and predictors of change in behavioral sleep medicine interventions
- Measurement differences in sleep
Selected Publications:
- Kim, K. N., Emert, S. E., Huskey, A., & Taylor, D. J. (2024). Sleep and Mental Health. In A. B. Athey, & M. A. Grandner (Eds.), Sleep and Sport: Physical Performance, Mental Performance, Injury Prevention, and Competitive Advantage for Athletes, Coaches, and Trainers (pp. 137 – 164). Academic Press.
- Taylor, D. J., Huskey, A., Kim, K. N., Emert, S. E., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Auerbach, A., Ruiz, J. M., Grandner, M. A., Webb, R., Skog, M., & Milord, T. (2023). Internal Consistency Reliability of Mental Health Questionnaires in College Student Athletes. Journal of British Sports Medicine. https//doi:10.1136/bjsports-2021-105136
- Kim, K. N., Emert, S., Huskey, A., & Taylor, D. J. (2022). Sleep and Mental Health in Athletes. Current Sleep Medicine Reports, 1-6.
- Dietch, J. R., Douglas, M., & Kim, K. N. (2022). Implicit and Explicit Stigma of Chronotype in Emerging Adults. Behavioral Sleep Medicine, 1-12.
- Kim, K. N., Wardle-Pinkston, S., Taylor, D. J., & Grandner, M. A. (2020). Sleepless in the Desert. Advances in Cognitive Therapy, 21(2)
Selected Presentations:
- Kim, K. N., Leete, J. J., Huskey, A., Sy, J., Emert, S. E., Dietch, J. R., & Taylor, D. J., (2024, Nov.). Insomnia, Depression, and Anxiety in Emerging Adults: How do Daily Symptoms interact? [Poster session]. ABCT 2024; Philadelphia, PA.
- Kim, K. N. (2024, Oct.) Intensive Longitudinal Approaches to Understanding Sleep and Mental Health in Special Populations [Oral presentation]. Arizona Sleep and Circadian Research Day; Tucson, AZ.
- Kim, K. N., Taylor, D. J., Sbarra, D. A., Mehl, M. R., Messman, B. A., Dietch, J. R., Kelly, K., Slavish, D. C., & Ruggero, C. J. (2024, June). Bidirectional Relationships between Daily Sleep and Depression: How do Shift Work and Sleep Variability factor in? [Oral presentation]. SLEEP 2024, the 38th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC (APSS); Houston, TX.
- Kim, K. N., Huskey, A., Taylor, D. J., Grandner, M. A., Ruiz, J. M., Auerbach, A. (2023, June). Mediators of the Relationship between Sleep Disturbances and Depression in Athletes [Poster session]. SLEEP 2023, the 37th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC (APSS); Indianapolis, IN. [Press Release:]
- Kim, K. N., Huskey, A., Taylor, D. J., Auerbach, A., Webb, R., Skog, M., Grandner, M., & Ruiz, J. M. (2022, Nov.). Sleep Predictors of Mental Health in College Student Athletes [Oral presentation]. SBSM 2022; Washington, DC.
- Kim, K. N., Taylor, D. J., Bramoweth, A., & Ruggero, C. (2022, Nov.). Longitudinal and Mean Predictors of Outcomes in Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Insomnia [Poster session]. ABCT 2022, Association for Behavioral and Cognitive Therapies’ 56th Annual Convention; New York City, NY.
- Kim, K. N., Messman, B. A., Taylor, D. J., Kelly, K., Slavish, D. C., & Ruggero, C. J. (2022, June). Associations between Daily Sleep and Depression in Nurses: Does Measurement Matter? [Poster session]. SLEEP 2022, the 36th Annual Meeting of the Associated Professional Sleep Societies, LLC (APSS); Charlotte, NC.
- Kim, K. N. & Huskey, A. (2022, March). Sleep Predictors of Mental Health in College Student Athletes: Differences by Race and Ethnicity. [Oral presentation]. Behavioral Sleep Medicine Seminar; University of Arizona; Virtual.
- Kim, K. N. (2022, February). Bidirectional Associations between Daily Negative Affect and Sleep: Does Measurement Matter? [Oral presentation]. Society of Behavioral Medicine Sleep Special Interest Group (SIG); Virtual.
Master's Thesis:
- Intensive Longitudinal Approaches to Multifaceted Sleep and Depression in Shift Work (2023)
Courses Taught:
- PSY 290A - Research Methods (2023)
*Year listed indicates when this individual last taught the specified course.
Updated: 11/13/24
- B.S. Psychology and Creative Writing, Carnegie Mellon University
- M.A. Psychology, University of Arizona (2023)