Andrea Coppola

Graduate Student, Clinical Psychology
Lab for Social Connectedness and Health
Faculty Advisor: David Sbarra
Neuroscience of Emotion & Thought (NET) Lab
Faculty Advisor: Jessica Andrews-Hanna

I am a clinical psychology PhD candidate at the University of Arizona where I am jointly advised by Dr. Sbarra in the Lab for Social Connectedness and Health and Dr. Andrews-Hanna in the Neuroscience of Emotion and Thought Lab. I received my BA in Psychology from the University of Virginia, and managed Dr. Jim Coan’s Virginia Affective Neuroscience Lab after graduation. I am broadly interested in understanding mechanisms of the link between social relationships and health. Currently, I am using neural and behavioral methods to investigate factors that might make maintaining

Research Interests:

  • Investigating neural and behavioral mechanisms of the link between social relationships & health
  • Understanding how relationships are established and maintained, and factors that might make those processes difficult for some (e.g.,
    depression, rumination)
  • Identifying targets for intervention to promote healthy supportive relationships

Dissertation Title:

  • What Gets in the Way of Social Support? Functional Connectivity and Social Support Interference in Laboratory Settings

Awards and Recognitions:

  • Galileo Scholar (2023)

Updated: 06/12/24


  • B.A. Psychology, University of Virginia (2015)
  • M.A. Psychology, University of Arizona