Research Staff

Darcey Lynn

Research Technician III
Cognition & Neuroimaging Laboratory (Ryan)
Faculty Supervisor: Siobhan Hoscheidt
She, Her, Hers

Alexis Garcia

Research Technician III
Human Memory Lab
Faculty Supervisor: Matt Grilli
Neuroscience of Emotion and Thought (NET) Lab
Faculty Supervisor: Jessica Andrews-Hanna
She, Her, Hers

Nancy Huynh

Research Technician II
Cognition, Affect, & Traumatic Stress (CATS) Lab
Faculty Supervisor: Ashley Huggins
She, Her, Hers

Kayleigh Cook

Research Technician I
Neuroscience of Emotion and Thought (NET) Lab
Connected Lives: Overcoming the Self through Empathy (CLOSE) Study
Faculty Supervisor: Jessica Andrews-Hanna
She, Her, Hers