UNDERGRAD EVENT: Mastering Interviews Online & In-Person: with Savannah Friedberg of E&J Gallo Wines


Noon – 12:45 p.m., Oct. 22, 2024

Mastering Interviews Online & In-Person with Savannah Friedberg of E&J Gallo Wines

Mastering Interviews Career Prep Event Flier

Tuesday, October 22nd, Noon Arizona time

Students will learn how to craft a compelling elevator pitch and best practices for virtual and in-person interviews at this event. Guest speaker Savannah Friedberg is a Sales Leadership & Development Program Manager for Gallo, the largest wine and spirit manufacturer in the United States. Gallo is recruiting students who are passionate about leadership for our Sales Leadership Development Program. We have full-time positions and internships available. Come to this event to learn about our company and to gain success in your future interviews with any company!

must rSVP on Handshake to attend


Updated 09/23/24 VN


Christy Ball, M.Ed., Director, Undergraduate Career Development