Prad Bharadwaj
Graduate Student, Cognition & Neural Systems
Faculty Advisor: Gene Alexander

Research Interests:
- Structural and functional brain changes in the context of healthy aging
- Fluid and multimodal neuroimaging biomarkers.
Selected Publications:
- Effects of simultaneous cognitive and aerobic exercise training on dual-task walking performance in healthy older adults: results from a pilot randomized controlled trial. BMC Geriatr. 2020; 20(1):83. Raichlen DA, Bharadwaj PK, Nguyen LA, Franchetti MK, Zigman EK, Solorio AR, Alexander GE. PMID: 32122325.
- Right hippocampal volume mediation of subjective memory complaints differs by hypertension status in healthy aging. Neurobiol Aging. 2020;94:271-280. Van Etten EJ, Bharadwaj PK, Nguyen LA, Hishaw GA, Trouard TP, Alexander GE. PMID: 32688134.
- Differential associations of engagement in physical activity and estimated cardiorespiratory fitness with brain volume in middle-aged to older adults. Brain Imaging Behav. 2019. Raichlen DA, Klimentidis YC, Bharadwaj PK, Alexander GE. PMID: 31209836.
- Differences in Resting State Functional Connectivity between Young Adult Endurance Athletes and Healthy Controls. Front Hum Neurosci. 2016;10:610. Raichlen DA, Bharadwaj PK, Fitzhugh MC, Haws KA, Torre GA, Trouard TP, Alexander GE. PMID: 28018192.
Courses Taught:
Teaching Assistant for:
- PSY 300 - Mind & Brain
- PSY 302 - Intro to Biopsychology
- PSY425 - Get Real! Cognition Applied To You & Current Topics
- NSCS 320 - Intro to Cognitive Science
Updated: 07/14/22
- M.S. Applied Cognition & Neuroscience
- M.S. Biological Sciences
- M.A. Psychology