Professional Development (PD) - Information & Resources

Quick Links:

General Resources that apply to more than one group:

Academic Job Resources (General)

Non-Academic Job Resources (General)

Specific Career Path Resources

Data Science


  • SMaRT Workshops: Fantastic workshops organized by Aidan Wright, Jeffrey Girard, and Kelley Kidwell. Statistics workshops in particular are unique in that they are accessible (geared towards applied researchers; aka psychologists) without sacrificing methodological rigor.

 psychology Undergraduate Teaching & Mentoring Onboarding 

University Center for Assessment, Teaching and Technology (UCATT)
Teaching tools you need, in one place. The mission of UCATT is to build capacity for excellence in teaching. To that end, we offer a learning-centered toolkit packed with everything our instructors need: professional development courses, mentor programs, multimedia solutions, digital technology and support services.  

Center for Integration of Research, Teaching and Learning (CIRTL) 
We have access to local and national professional development resources through this network to support careers in higher education, including the offering of certificates of teaching. This resource is available for Graduate students, Postdocs, Staff, and Faculty. The UA joined this international network in 2020.

Offerings include: Faculty Learning Community (FLC), Postdoc Pathway program, Teaching As Research program (grad and postdoc), Tri-level certificates, Courses, workshops, discussions, and podcasts
Check out all of the details here:

National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity
The National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity (NCFDD) is a nationally recognized, independent organization that provides online career development and mentoring resources for faculty, postdocs, and graduate students.  Because the University of Arizona is an Institutional Member, all of our faculty, postdocs, and graduate students are granted free membership.   
More Information: National Center for Faculty Development & Diversity | UA Faculty Affairs (

Department Resources:

  • Clinical
    • Meetings: Twice a semester
    • To join: Emails with information will be sent to the listservs as applicable 
  • Cognition & Neural Systems (CNS)
    • Meetings: Weekly - Every Wednesday
    • To join: CNS grads will receive information through the CNS listserv. Interested students outside of CNS, please contact CNS Program Director Stephen Cowen:
  • Social 

Resources for specific groups:

Graduate Center (UA)

  • University of Arizona Graduate Center: Contains general resources for graduate students and postdocs on topics like professional development, job search and preparation, writing and publishing, research, teaching, mentoring, community engagement, funding, and finances.
  • Graduate Center Events Calendar: Includes list of workshop events occurring at the UA on topics such like writing, coding, and data management.
  • Graduate Communities for Academic Fellowship & Efficacy (Grad CAFE) is a Peer Mentorship program for first & second year doctoral students. Participants will attend a weekly one-hour student success seminar led by experienced doctoral students, offering professional development, small group mentoring, and a supportive interdisciplinary community. Designed for students who identify as racial/ethnic minorities, gender minorities, women in STEM, queer or gender nonconforming individuals, disabled, or first-generation/low-income students, the program aims to foster a diverse and inclusive academic environment. Contact Dr. Celeste Arkins for more information:

Science Communication

CoSSAC Professional Development Grant

The College of Science Staff Advisory Council (CoSSAC) offers grants at different times throughout the academic year to assist with fees related to professional development. This includes funding for training and travel.


Applications are due every:

  • March 15th - for events occurring between Jan 1 and May 31
  • July 15th - for events occurring between May 1 and Sept 30 
  • November 15th - for events occurring between Sept 1 and Jan 31


To apply for this grant, you will need to meet the following requirements:

  • Must be a UA Staff member (Students, faculty, and post-docs are not eligible for this particular award.)
  • Employed for at least 6 months in the College of Science
  • Have not already yet received a grant award within the same academic year

Award Amount:

  • Ranges between $50 - $400

More Information:


Department Committee & Contact

Professional Development Committee Members

  • Christy Ball (chair)
    Lee Ryan 
    Jolene Jacquart 
    Vanessa Noonkester (Admin Staff)
    Kristina Irwin (Research Staff)
    Diego Guevara-Beltran (Post-doc)
    Sarah Leighton (Grad)

Updated: 06/20/24

Updated: 09/26/24 VN 


Professional Development