Milla Titova

Assistant Professor, Social and Personality Psychology
Headshot of faculty member Milla Titova

Psychology 529 (office)
Psychology 504 & 512 (lab)

She, Her, Hers

Research Interests: 

  • Happiness and well-being
  • Specifically: 
    • How cultural and personality differences affect people’s well-being levels, as well as the experience of happiness and positive emotions.
    • How people’s relationships with the places and spaces that they occupy connect to happiness and well-being.

Updated 09/23/24

Selected Publications: 

  • Titova L. & King L. A. (in press). Can happiness make a house a home? Journal of Positive Psychology. 
  • Titova L. & Sheldon K. M. (2022). Thwarted Beneficence: Not Getting to Help Lowers Mood. Journal of Positive Psychology, 17(1), 21-33. 
  • Titova L. & Sheldon K. M. (2022). Happiness comes from trying to make others feel good, rather than oneself. Journal of Positive Psychology, 17(3), 341-355.
  • Titova L. & Sheldon K. M. (2018). Why do I feel this way? Attributional assessment of happiness and unhappiness. Journal of Positive Psychology, 14(5), 1-14.
  • Titova L., Werner, K. M., & Sheldon K. M. (2018). Translating Positive Psychology. Translational Issues in Psychological Science, 4(3), 211-214.
  • Titova L., Wagstaff A., & Parks A. C. (2017). Disentangling the effects of gratitude and Optimism: A cross-cultural investigation. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 48(5), 754-770.

Updated: 02/21/25


  • B.A. Psychology, Hiram College
  • M.A. Psychology, University of Missouri
  • Ph.D. Psychology, University of Missouri