The Health Toll of Divorce

Divorce is a severe interpersonal stress that more than 670,000 people per year experience within the United States. It may also more negatively impact women without access to varied resources, and/or persons who experience obesity and high levels of alcohol consumption.

David Sbarra, a professor of Psychology, notes the mental and physical impacts that divorce can have on people - often long before their actual separations & legal proceedings. He calls on physicians and other care professionals to be attentive to those experiencing divorce, being watchful for signs of depression and substance abuse - especially if a history of these conditions already exists. The stress of divorce also puts many individuals at a greater risk for a variety of health conditions, including elevated blood pressure, sleeplessness or insomnia, diabetes, STDs, and more.
For more on Dr. Sbarra's findings and guidance:
Updated: 07/19/24