
Mary-Frances O'Connor, Ph.D.
The Role of Grief in the Brain, the Body, and Culture
University of Arizona
Please Note:
This colloquium will be offered in person.
You can also join via Zoom.
Please join us as we kick off the Colloquium Series with our own faculty member, Dr. Mary-Frances O'Connor from 3:00pm - 4:30pm!
The presentation will be followed by our Departmental Welcome Back Reception for Psychology's faculty, staff, postdocs, and grad students - to be held in the Front Office, Psychology 312. Catering will be provided by Cuts & Slabs Charcuterie LLC. No RSVP required.
Colloquium with Mary-Frances O'Connor, Ph.D. - 3:00pm - 4:30pm in PSY 306
Welcome Back Reception - 4:30pm - 6:00pm in the Psychology Front Office, Room 312
Accessibility & More:
With questions about access or to request any disability-related accommodations, please contact
Michaela Midgley at:
Please join the Psychology Colloquium Listserv to receive news and updates.
To join, please follow these steps:
- Send a blank message from your email account to LIST@LIST.ARIZONA.EDU
- In the Subject line, please enter: "Subscribe PSYCOLLOQ YourFirstName YourLastName" (Example: Subscribe PSYCOLLOQ Wilma Wildcat)
Updated: 08/18/23