College of Science Lecture Series: the Science of Communication


6:15 – 8 p.m., March 6, 2025

College of Science Lecture Series
Opening Night with Emily Bray and Evan MacLean

Thursday, March 6, 2025
7:00 P.M.

Join us in Centennial Hall to hear from Dr. Emily Bray and Dr. Evan MacLean for their presentation on Sit, Stay, Speak: Unleashing the Science of Dog-Human Communication. 

Event Banner for the College Of Science Lecture Series featuring Dr. Bray & Dr. MacLean on Dog-Human Communication, being held March 6, 2025

In this lecture, they will explore what dogs really understand about human communication and whether dogs have evolved unusual abilities for success in this domain. They will similarly consider what we as humans understand about the communicative world of dogs, and how a better scientific understanding of dog behavior and cognition can enrich dog-human communication in the future.

Free and open to the general public.

Doors open at 6:15pm.


For more information on the lecture series:

Visit the College of Science event page


Updated: 02/05/25