UNDERGRAD EVENT: Helping People Thrive in the Workplace:

The Career Journey of an Organizational Psychologist


noon – 1 p.m., Sept. 19, 2023

Helping People Thrive in the Workplace:

Event - Pink and Red Flyer with Guest Speaker Photo - Career of Organizational Psychologist - September 19th 2023

The Career Journey of an Organizational Psychologist

Hear Dr. Michelle Wiener share her career in the field of Organization Development, Coaching, and Leadership and Employee Development. Michelle has been practicing in the field of Organizational Psychology for over 25 years. During the talk, she will share the critical role Organizational Psychologists play in shaping culture, productivity, and success in businesses.

This talk will equip you with valuable information to make informed decisions about your future career path. Bring your questions about this field, the training needed, or anything else you’d like to know. 

RSVP on Handshake to Attend

Updated: 06/14/23



Christy Ball